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Front-end is so much more than building designs

I was unfortunately made aware of this tweet today and it felt like a blast from the past. Y’know what I’m talking about: the old days when you’d get a PSD from a designer and build it. It’s a real simplistic way of looking at front-end development so I thought I’d jot down what I […]

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Dear email marketers

Dear email marketers, I can confirm that I didn’t “unsubscribe by mistake” when I clicked your 8px, low contrast unsubscribe link, buried at the bottom of the email. It would be a miracle for anyone to click that by mistake—let alone find it in the first place. Lots of love,Andy

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Line heights in CSS work better with ratios

Say you’ve got this CSS and you need to set a nice, compact line height: You open up the designer’s static design and it says the line height should be 44px. Easy peasy, right? Technically, yeh: easy peasy. Let’s take a look at how that looks. Now let’s say the font size needs to be […]

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