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Nearly 3 years ago, I made a little Progressive Web App (PWA) with a simple goal. I wanted a web-based version of Tyke. It’s the simplest Mac app ever: a text box that pops out of your menu bar so you can take quick notes. I didn’t like that Tyke was native only and a […]

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Don’t snark on people who are learning

I saw a post on mastodon snarking at “the current state of web development” and it was a screenshot of a forum where someone was asking why nested <h1>s got progressively bigger, with a code sample that looked like this: There’s two things going on here: nesting headings is not allowed, as per the spec. […]

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Update to Build Excellent Websites

I’ve just added a little update to our Build Excellent Websites site: It now has a link to one of the versions of the talk I did about it, where I broke down how I designed and built that site and how you can improve the websites you build by letting the browser have […]

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Looking for a small project for our Junior Developer

I don’t know if you know already, but at my agency—Set Studio—we hired a junior developer—Liridon—who we are training from scratch. They’d never written a single line of code before December 2022, but are already flying with their internal training! Right now, we are training them up with a collection of courses and small internal […]

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